It is with respect that I acknowledge the traditional owners of this land both past, present and future of the five language groups; Umpila, Wuthutii, Kuuku Y'au, Uataalnganu and Kaandji that make up the Lockhart River Community.
Our school is comprised of 150 students from kindy to year 12 located at Lockhart River on the East Coast near the top of Cape York Peninsular. When the roads are open the journey usually takes around 11 hours to drive to Cairns. The school is located in a very remote part of Queensland. The area has considerable cultural diversity and traditions which are embedded in the curriculum.

The school has developed a school plan to ensure our school is a safe and supportive place. Our key priorities are;
Literacy and numeracy - improving student outcomes through the Australian Curriculum.
Student attendance - a continued focus on increasing student attendance and promoting benefits and incentives throughout the community.
School wide positive behaviour support - improvements in student behaviour will link directly to improved student outcomes across all areas.
Connecting with community and culture - ensuring local culture and traditions are embedded in the curriculum by connecting with elders and other agencies in the community to ensure that all students have been exposed to their history, culture and languages.